Do-do-do down doobie-doo-down-down.
Com-a, com-a, down doobie-doo-down-down.
Com-a, com-a, down doobie-doo-down-down.
Breakin' up is hard to do.
Don't take your love,/(Do-do-do, down,)
(Doobie-doo-down-down.)/away from me.
(Com-a, com-a, down-),/Don't you leave my heart/
(-Doobie-doo-down-down.)/in misery.
(Com-a,com-a, down),/If you go then
(De-down, de-down.)/I'll be blue.
'Cause breakin' up his hard to do.
Remember when /(Do-do-do, down,)
(Doobie-doo-down-down.)/you held me tight?
(Com-a, com-a, down-),/And you kissed me all/
/(-Doobie-doo-down-down.)/through the night?
(Com-a,com-a, down),/Think of all that we've
(De-down, de-down.)/been through.
And breakin' up is hard to do.
They say that breakin' up is hard to do.
Now I know, I know that it's true.
Don't say that this is the end.
Instead of breakin' up,
I wish that we were makin' up again.
I beg of you,/(Do-do-do, down,)
(Doobie-doo-down-down.)/don't say goodbye.
(Com-a, com-a, down-),/Can't we give our love
/(-Doobie-doo-down-down.)/another try?
(Com-a, com-a, down,)/Come on, baby, let's
(De-down, de-down)/start anew.
'Cause breakin' up is hard to do.
(They say that breakin' up is hard to do.)
Now I know, I know that it's true.
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(Don't say that this is the end.)
Instead of breakin' up,
I wish that we were makin' up again.
I beg of you,/(Do-do-do, down,)
(Doobie-doo-down-down.)/don't say goodbye.
(Com-a, com-a, down-),/Can't we give our love
/(-Doobie-doo-down-down.)/another try?
(Com-a, com-a, down,)/Come on, baby, let's
(De-down, de-down)/start anew.
'Cause breakin' up is hard to do.
Do-do-do down doobie-doo-down-down.
Com-a, com-a, down doobie-doo-down-down.
Com-a, com-a, down doobie-doo-down-down.
Com-a, com-a, down doobie-doo-down-down.
Com-a, com-a, down doobie-doo-down-down.
Written by: Howard Greenfield & Neil Sedaka-1961
Performed by: Neil Sedaka1-Released 1962.
Appears on: Neil Sedaka Sings His Greatest Hits-1962, Happy Birthday, Sweet